Real name: Clarice Ferguson
Occupation: Mutant Taxi Service
Identity: Known only to Weapon X
Legal status: None. Clarice Ferguson was never officially born.
Other aliases: Blink
Place of birth: New York City, New York
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Grandparents: Dr. David Ferguson, Mrs. Sarah Ferguson; Mother: Stephanie Ferguson (missing); Father: Unknown
Group affiliation: Weapon X
Base of operations: Weapon X Base
First appearance: Late December, 2001

Blink first came to our attention in late August of 2001. A team observed her living on the streets, and noticed her teleportational abilities. Immediately we researched her, however we were unable to find any record of her birth in any hospital. Realizing that she was too valuable a resource to go untapped, a team was dispatched immediately to capture her. We had observed that she always teleported back to the same alley after stealing food, so we set a team in place, and as soon as she returned to the alley, she was tranquelized and brought to our facility, kept drugged so that she couldn't use her powers.

The first thing we did was to outfit Blink with an implant and code name, then we arranged for her to be placed in a cell with one of our less promising recruits. When Blink regained consciousness on the operating table, one of our doctors asked her who she was and where she was fun. She told us that her name was Clarice Ferguson and she was born February 2nd, 1981 in her grandparents' home in New York City. When asked, she told us that yes, she had always looked the way she did, which explained to us why her birth had never been reported. Her mother, she told us, was a woman named Sarah Ferguson, whom she had never met. Research has shown that Sarah Ferguson (daughter of the couple that raised Blink) was a prostitute during the time of Blink's conception, and Blink's father could be any number of clients. More research would be required before a positive identity could be made, however the potentials include several rather prominent political parties. Sarah Ferguson is still living in the New York City area, and the group continues to keep tabs on her.

According to Blink, her teleportational abilities first manifested when she was about fifteen years old. She concealed this ability from her grandparents, especially after May of 1999 when the Black Prom came around. She attempted to completely stop using her powers which she'd been practicing with, but wound up experiencing a phenomenon we've observed in her: excessive teleportational energy. It resulted in uncontrollable teleportations, and is what finally confirmed for her grandparents the fact that Blink was a mutant. Their fear at seeing what she became prompted Blink to flee her home and live on the streets for a few days, at which point she was brought into our care by parties unknown to her.

Once these details had been secured from her, Blink was given a strong enough shock from her implant to render her unconscious, then placed in her cell. The next day, her testing began, and she has been on the standard protocol ever since. We observed in Blink a very prominent rebellious streak which needed to be dealt with immediately. As has been observed in others, Blink's spirit was eventually broken, although it took until late November before we were confident enough in her willingness to obey. At that time, she was moved up to the next level of training, given a private cell and was permitted well-supervised and observed use of her powers. Her cellmate was killed, since she was no longer necessary to the program.

Currently, Blink has begun combat training and is expected to be introduced to the field team shortly.

Height: 5'7" Weight: 120-130 lbs.
Eyes: Opaque White Hair: Long and reddish brown
Unusual physical characteristics: Purple skin, Opaque white eyes, magenta facial markings, deep plum-colored nails and lips, pointed ears.
Strength level: Blink possesses the normal strength level for a woman with her height and build, who engages in intensive daily physical exercise.
Known superhuman powers: Blink is a teleporter of uncharted potential who can teleport people and objects either by touch, via portals or using specially charged 'darts.'
Other abilities: Clarice is a pretty good artist.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Specially crafted metallic 'darts' that can be charged with energy and used to teleport remotely. She also has an implant in her skull that allows Weapon X to track her at all times, and can be used to shock her to correct impropper behavior, or detonated to render her catatonic.
Other notes: Remember, folks: Blink isn't really BAD, she just... fell in with a bad crowd.

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