Real name: Daniel Elliot Bailey
Occupation: None
Identity: Publicly known
Legal status: United States, no criminal record
Other aliases: None
Place of birth: Albany, New York
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Elliot Bailey (father, deceased), Marie
Bailey (mother, deceased)
Group affiliation: None
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: January, 2001
Daniel Bailey was born into an wealthy Albany family sixteen years ago, the first and only child of Elliot and Marie Bailey. It was obvious from the beginning that there was something different about the boy: his skin was an odd silver-white color. At first, the doctors thought this was the result of some unusual type of albinism; it became quite clear to them how incorrect that diagnosis was, however, when the child opened his eyes--his pupil-less, iris-less electric blue eyes.
To say his parents were dismayed by the news would be something of an understatement: Elliot flew into a rage and threatened to sue the hospital (although it was highly unlikely that he could have succeeded); Marie refused to go anywhere near her newborn son for days. Eventually, however, the couple finally, reluctantly, took him home, but not before taking the appropriate measures. They were God-fearing people, and couldn't simply dispose of their son; they were also fearful of public embarrassment, of having their thus-far perfect lives upset. So, Daniel's father called in a few favors and offered an exceedingly generous donation to the chairman of the hospital's board of directors, and his son's "condition" was officially written off as a rare skin disorder.
Daniel spent most of his life isolated within his family's sprawling estate; he was eight years old before his parents finally allowed him outdoors (for about six minutes, and he was not allowed to wander more than fifteen feet from the door). Eager for any sort of stimulation at all, Daniel immersed himself in books the instant he learned to read. His parents bought him as many books as he could possibly read, hired private tutors--all of whom were, of course, duly compensated for keeping their knowledge of Daniel's "condition" confidential--and provided lessons in art and gymnastics, in the hope of keeping him too busy to even think about leaving the house. They treated him with respect, and they provided for him out of a basic sense of parental obligation--but they certainly did not love him. And he knew why: because he was not what they'd wanted. They had been looking forward to a normal, human child, and they'd gotten stuck with a weird-eyed silver-skinned freak. Who wouldn't be upset?
Daniel's life got complicated about a week before his sixteenth birthday, while his parents were out of town. While washing dishes after a late-night snack, he accidentally dropped a piece of particularly expensive china. Two things happened in the tenth of a second that followed: (1) Daniel felt something inside his head go "click", and (2) some sort of silver-tinted energy beam shot out of his hand and coalesced around the falling plate, intercepting it about an inch away from the floor.
"Wurg," a stunned Daniel observed. That was the best he could do, because his brain had just devoted all of its resources to processing this unexpected turn of events, and was too busy to form coherent speech.
He decided not to tell his parents about his newly-manifested power-- they already disliked him enough, and he didn't want to upset them further. From that point onward, whenever his parents were away, he'd forgo his homework and his chores in favor of experimenting with his new abilities. The plate incident must've just been a reflex; using his power consciously turned out to be much more difficult, or at least it was for the first few days. Before long, he'd figured out how to mold the silver energy into simple shapes, and within a few weeks, he'd managed to "surf" from one end of his father's library to the other on an energy slide (that particular stunt was *really* tricky, but it only took him twelve falls to figure it out).
He'd stayed up late one night, waiting for his parents to go to bed so he could continue his experimentations...when suddenly two gunshots rang out--from the direction of his parents' bedroom! He raced towards the room as fast as he could, terrified at the thought of what he might find--his fears, unfortunately, proved to be well-founded. He entered the room just in time to discover a pair of armed, masked burglars standing over the bodies of his newly-slain parents.
He felt paralyzed, unable to move or speak, overcome by grief and rage and terror--the two men turned towards him--the silver energy started surging and snapping and crackling around his clenched fists--
--and the next thing he remembered clearly was waking up on the floor next to one of the criminals. The man had been badly beaten; he was bleeding from a nasty head wound, and his limbs were lying at odd angles. There was no sign of the other burglar, but one of the windows had been knocked out; he'd apparently managed to escape.
Daniel was overwhelmed by the sheer horror of the situation. All he knew was that he couldn't let himself be caught, because he'd get into trouble for beating that man, and when people saw what a freak he was, and if they found out about his powers, he'd probably wind up getting dissected in some lab somewhere, and maybe he could grieve for his parents later but he really had to leave RIGHT NOW, and so he raced back to his room in a mad panic and crammed some clothes and other belongings into his backpack and just ran as fast as he could...
Height: 5'9" Weight: 155 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Black
Unusual physical characteristics: Daniel is an obvious mutant;
his skin is an unusual silver-white color, and his eyes are a solid, vivid
electric blue, without pupil or iris.
Strength level: Daniel possesses the normal strength of a
teenage boy who engages in moderate regular exercise.
Known superhuman powers: Psychoplasmic energy projection-- he's
able to generate a type of tangible non-exothermic plasma energy, which he
can psionically mold into solid three-dimensional objects.
Other abilities: Daniel studied photography and music for
several years before leaving home.
Weapons and paraphernalia: None
Other notes: None