Real name: Emma Frost
Formerly Known as: Emma-Mogan-White
Occupation: Businesswoman
Identity: Her mutant status is unknown
Legal status: US Citizen. Emma Morgan-White was declared
dead in a fire. Emma Frost is an iron clad identity, however, which
will stand up to any scrutiny.
Other aliases: Emma, Ice Princess
Place of birth: Boston, MA, USA
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Michael Frost (father), Kestra Frost
(mother), Cordelia Morgan-White (sister), Adrienne Morgan-White (sister)
Group affiliation: Loosely associated with The Pack.
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: 8/00 (New player as of 3/8/02)
Emma Frost is slowly recovering from having reached two closely related crises at once. Over time, in order to protect herself from the crush of minds around her, Emma had sanitized her mind of emotion. This process began during her recovery from her time at the mental institution. Any emotions she has exhibited after perhaps age 17 have been mostly an act. The other crisis was that Emma Frost realised that she had ground her parents into the ground fiscally and now they are gone. She has accumulated so much capital that she can no longer spend it fast enough to keep up with the accumulation of interest. Emma lives in a society where material wealth is paramount, and she has reached the point where she can literally have anything she wants. The problem, of course, is that having reached that point at the tender age of twentysomething, she is at something of a loss of what to do next. She is currently living with the Pack, with her sister Cordelia (who DOES know they are sisters now, by the by) where she is slowly recovering her emotions thanks to Cordy's telepathic surgery, and perhaps is discovering new things worth doing in Cordy's work with the pack. It's all very nebulous yet, but at least she is having fun.
Height: 5'5" Weight: Don't be rude.
Eyes: Blue-Grey Hair: Blonde
Unusual physical characteristics: Pierced ears and a nearly
perfect body.
Strength level: Average strength for a woman in her physical
condition and training.
Known superhuman powers: Emma is among the top five most powerful
telepaths in the world.
Other abilities: Business, Finance, Languages, Psychology, High
Society, Vehicle operation of many types, Pistol.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Anything money can buy. Emma generally
has a 9mm handgun somewhere handy.
Other notes: Everyone wants something badly enough to be their
"price". Emma is an expert at finding those things. Emma is currently
available for apping. She went into seclusion after killing
Kelly in retribution for her murder of Emma's
lover Corvid.