That doesn't matter. I'm a concerned citizen, like all of you. I can't reveal myself for fear of prosecution. This site is posted on a free webserver so I can have my anonymity. I encourage others to spread mirrors of this website far and wide so it can never be shut down.
I was once a doctor. My son was a mutant. I had to Quarantine him. It was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, but I got through it because it was necessary, it was important. I told others to do the same. All across the world others are facing the same choice I did, and I'm urging them to make the right one.
A man who spews acid from his face. A girl who steals the souls of others. A sadistic killer with skin as tough as diamond. A murderer who can burn people alive with a thought.
Can there be any doubt these people are diseased? They not only suffer from a genetic disease which makes them powerful and dangerous, but they also, in a real sense, ARE a disease.
Left unchecked, this disease will spread. Not, thank heavens, as a communicable vector spreading from patient to patient, but in a more insidious way. This disease will spread to the children of those infected, and there will be more mutants who can hurt the rest of us. And those children will grow and have more.
Right now, they may be children. Right now, they may be YOUR
children. That is why we must be vigilant. We must be tough.
We must quarantine this disease. We must do it while we still
have the chance.
We prefer the name Quarantine. At worst, it is euthanasia. It is a hard thing to do... but while they may look innocent, they will become monsters one day, and that is as bad for them as it is for us. Perhaps if we stop them before they first kill, their souls will be a little cleaner when it comes their time for Judgement. We save their souls and we save the lives of countless others in the future. It is the right thing to do. Think of the Quarantine as one part euthanasia, one part protection, and one part preventative medicine.
Every mutant you can, preferably as close to their first manifestation of symptoms as possible. If you can, it's recommended you test children you have close and regular access to. If you can spot them as a mutant before they actually have their abilities, it will be much easier.
Quarantine every mutant you can. Whether it's a neighbor child, your neice or nephew, your sibling, or yes, even your own children, they must be Quarantined. It's difficult, but it must be done.
In some locations, you may have sympathetic law enforcement who will look the other way for a Quarantine, but most of us aren't so lucky, so be careful. Also don't tackle a mutant with powers that seem to be dangerous. Alert the police and hopefully they will take care of it.
If you discover a child is a mutant and it's not your own child, try to nudge the parents directly towards going along with it. Point them towards this website.
Yes. And nothing is harder than to Quarantine one of your own. I've had to do it myself. It's a heartbreaking act, but it MUST be done sometimes. Think of the siblings of your mutant children. What happens if they get into a traditional brother-sister fight and your mutant child makes your healthy child's head explode, as happened in a recent case in Oregon?
Should you come to the point where you may have to Quarantine your own child, read these tips on doing it. Pay special attention to the last. It doesn't make you any less of a person.
Also, keep in mind that most members of the Final Quarantine
movement will not have a mutant child. A large percentage
may never even have to perform a Quarantine themselves. Some
lucky few may never even encounter a mutant. You, as a believer
in the Final Quarantine, are much more likely to be called upon
to cover up for a family that's had to make this noble choice.