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Final Quarantine Case Histories

This section talks about some real stories of Quarantine and dangeorus mutants. Names and locations have been changed slightly to protect people. If you have a story to submit, send it here (this is a mirror of the original, and the address given no longer exists, maybe he was shut down).

My own story...

I'm not the originator of the Final Quarantine movement... I may have given it this name, and set up this website, but the movement started itself in different areas around the world all at once. People figured it out for themselves that Quarantining (as I call it) mutant children is a necessity for the future of the human race.

I have three children. Two are healthy. My middle child was contaminated. I discovered it two months after Magneto made his speech before the UN. My son had begun keeping to himself for weeks, and hanging with a different crowd. I thought it might have been drugs at first... how I wish it was. Drugs is an addiction that can be treated. Finally at the end of our rope, his mother and I searched his room... we found no drugs, but we did find a diary... where he admitted to being a mutant. We were shocked and horrified. I didn't believe it at first... thought maybe it was creative writing. He claimed he could lower temperatures of things with his mind. Preposterous, right?

I put it out of my mind...

A few days later we found our young daughter suffering from frostbite and hypothermia. It was November. She was in our heated home. She almost died.

Our contaminated son finally confessed to doing it accidentally, claiming she was bothering him and it just happened. I didn't know what to do.

I talked over my worries with a few close friends. One of them said something I'll never forget... no matter what it takes, I had to protect my two other children.

So I did it. I got some sleeping pills from work and put it in my son's dinner. Once he was unconscious, I typed up a suicide note on the computer in his room, and shot him with a gun I keep for protection, making it look like a suicide. My wife and other two children were out, and I had an alibi set up with a neighbor.

The police never questioned. My tears were real. I knew it was the right thing to do, but he was still my son.

I don't really have much to say. It's obvious mutants need to be taken care of. I knew it ever since that Kairee chick in Maine. I don't have any kids of my own, but I've killed a neighborhood kid. He was a criminal type, nobody really missed him anyway, and when I shot him they thought it was a rival gang. I knew he was a mutant because I saw him flying up to an apartment to break in. I could see him from my window. No wires, just flying.

Quarantine of whatever you call it, they need to be taken care of. I've done my job.

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