Methods of Quarantine
There's no one method of Quarantine. With mutants who can have
bizarre abilities or resistances, some ways may not be effective in
some cases. The following here are general guidelines:
- The less change a mutant has to fight you, the better. As
such, in all cases, poisoning (or drugging beforehand) is an
extremely preferable method of Quarantine. Some poisons can
be hard to trace (though they won't be listed here for certain
legal reasons, they can be discovered through a little research
or sometimes through asking other Final Quarantine members) and
may not cause much suspicion, especially if you can refuse an
autopsy on some grounds. Asphyxiation is also effective, but
can lead to more questions.
- Making it look like it was self-inflicted is also a good
idea, but can be tricky to pull off and should someone be
suspicious usually evidence can be found against it. If
police are sympathetic to Quarantine standards, but not
willing to outright help, this is often the best way to go
about things.
- Failing that, any means that work are acceptable
- In all cases, it's important to try to hide your belief
in the Quarantine from all children, known to be contaminated
or not. If they know what is necessary to do
to them, they're more likely not to tell you if they discover
they are contaminated, and you'll miss your chance. They may
run and then they will become monsters that much quicker. The
best approach, if you're not a good enough actor to pretend to
accept mutants, is to stay carefully silent about your stand
on mutant issues near children, although some may confess their
contamination to you even if you're vocally fearful of mutants.
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