Real name: Just Madelyne
Occupation: Manipulator
Identity: Secret
Legal status: None
Other aliases: The Black Queen,
Jean Grey
Place of birth: Somewhere under New York City
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: None
Group affiliation: The Hellfire Club
Base of operations: The Hellfire Club, New York
First appearance: May, 2001

Madelyne was born one dark and stormy night, when Jean Grey was exposed to some intense mythos toys after a long and madness filled captivity alone on an island. Madelyne is another personality resident within Jean Grey's psyche, and she has none of the moral or ethical inhibitions her other self has.

Height: 5'8" Weight: 125 lbs.
Eyes: Emerald Green Hair: Fiery Red
Unusual physical characteristics: Madelyne is nearsighted thanks to her alter ego.
Strength level: Madelyne possesses the strength of a normal woman who engages in moderate exercise.
Known superhuman powers: Madelyne is a powerful psion, focusing in telepathy and telekinetics.
Other abilities: Manipulation, Corruption.
Weapons and paraphernalia: None.
Other notes: Sixteenth and half.

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