Real name: Samuel Zachary Guthrie
Occupation: X-Men leader, University Graduate/Intern, Former Miner
Identity: Sam's identity as a mutant is unknown to the public.
Legal status: Pays his taxes on time, no criminal record
Other aliases: Richard Kessler (unknown)
Place of birth: Cumberland, Kentucky
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Paige Guthrie (sister), Elizabeth Guthrie (sister), Joelle Guthrie (sister), Josh Guthrie (brother), 1 more brother and sister (twins, names unknown), Mother and Father (parents, deceased)
Group affiliation: X-Men
Base of operations: Salem Center, Westchester County, New York
First appearance: Late April, 2000

Sam was born in Cumberland, Kentucky, and lived on his parents farm.

His father died of Black Lung Disease caused by his mining labors when Sam was a teenager, so Sam, being the oldest, started to work in the coal mines and at the farm to help support his family. On his first day at work in the coal mines, there was a cave-in, and Sam's powers first manifested due to an adrenaline rush. Sam, and a friend of his father's, Mr. Lewis, were propelled out of the mine due to Sam's powers, and smashed through the wall of the mine and landed nearby on a hillside. They were both unhurt, due to Sam's protective blast field. He really doesn't know what's going on in his life, due to the recent changes and everything, so he disembarks on a journey to find anyone like him. He kept things hidden from his family, and explained to Mr. Lewis that they were pulled out at the last second, and dissuaded him from thinking anything else happened during the mine cave-in. Sam quit working at the mines after the incident and managed to get a scholarship Columbia University.

Sam then decided to pursue studies in Biochemistry and Physics in order to try to find a basis for his 'uniqueness'. He isn't very intelligent, but his hard working ethics prevail, and he manages to stay with what he's doing, and manages to keep average scores in his studies. He doesn't know why things are the way they are, and he isn't far enough into his studies to actually determine anything, so he still has no idea why he can do the things he can do. In his spare time, he studies in the library and various other sources to try to find information on others like him, so he can know he is not alone. He doesn't know that Paige is also a 'mutant', and would be extremely interested if he were to find that out. He really wants to find others like him, and do whatever he can to be the best with what he has and what he can do.

These actions lead to his discovery of Professor Charles Xavier. During the course of his studies he met Xavier, and has since talked and studied secretly with him. After completing his Bachelor of Science degree at the university, Sam decided to continue pursuing his interests. In order to stay at the university, continue studying, and to work together with Professor Xavier, he decided to pursue a Master's Degree, which finds him currently a resident of Columbia University - deep within the bowels of the BioChemisty department.

Height: 6'4" Weight: 200 lbs.
Eyes: Blue Hair: Blonde
Unusual physical characteristics: None
Strength level: Sam is up to normal athletic human standards without powers. Under thrust via his blast field, Sam has been known to be able to push at least 1 ton with difficulty - the full extent has yet to be measured.
Known superhuman powers: Biokinetic blast field which allows flight, and renders Sam invulnerable
Other abilities: Sam has knowledge of computers as a research tool, understands advanced Physics and Aerodynamic principles, and has a Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry. He also has knowledge of mining.
Weapons and paraphernalia: None
Other notes: When not studying or on active duty with the X-Men, Sam is usually curled up with a good Science Fiction book - one of his favorite authors is Heinlein. Credits to Rogue for the picture of Sam and Wolf.

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