Real name: Solange Tremain
Occupation: Student
Identity: A number of people are aware of her
status as a mutant, though it isn't general public knowledge.
Legal status: Citizen of the United State with no
criminal record (yet)
Other aliases: Livewire
Place of birth: Honolulu, Hawai'i
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Robert Tremain (father), Yvette
Tremain (mother), Bobby Tremain (Brother), Keziah Tremain (sister)
Group affiliation: Tentatively with the Scoobies
Base of operations: Scooby Suite, Columbia
First appearance: June, 2001
Solange's family moved around quite a bit during her childhood, due to her father's position with the Boeing company. The rest of them simply had to cope with the frequent moves, the lack of lasting friendships, the inevitable feeling that there is no permanent stability in the world. At least, that's the way it felt to Solange. Still, life seemed pretty normal, barring some odd occurences with power surges and minor electrical troubles with household appliances that started about the time Sola turned thirteen. Her father made a joke of it, saying he must have brought a gremlin home with him from work by accident. Meanwhile, Solange found she rather liked competing, playing soccer and swimming on school teams when the family's constant moves allowed her to.
It wasn't until an attempted date rape during an after-Prom party triggered a full discharge of her powers that Sola really knew what was going on. Horrified at what she'd done (she thought she'd killed the boy, though she only stunned him) she fled the scene, begging a ride home from an acquaintance. Since then, Solange has taken pains to distance herself from others both physically and emotionally. Her faith in people was never terribly strong, and the events of that night simply reinforced her cynicism. She drove away most of her close friends and quit both the swim and soccer teams to avoid the possibility of further 'accidents'. She did her best to hide what she can do, and even now lives with the nagging fear that she'll accidentally shock someone or destroy delicate electric equipment. Despite that fear, she's drawn to computers, taking refuge in the multitude of virtual worlds a fairly nice computer and online access offer her.
After graduation, she found that she had her choice of good colleges, but only Columbia offered her a hefty scholarship as an incentive to attend. Not wanting to strain her family's resources too badly, Sola leapt at the chance. Since arriving in New York, she's been assaulted, abducted, terrorized through nightmares, and involved in an attack on a secret government facility. She's also managed to make a few friends (mostly against her will) and found help in training her powers.
None of this has improved her attitude.
Height: 5'7" Weight: Yeah, like I'm going to tell you.
Eyes: Dark Brown Hair: Black/Blue
Unusual physical characteristics: Well, she's pretty. Nothing
unusual, other than that.
Strength level: Normal for a woman her size and age who
participates in daily moderate and occasional strenuous exersize (like
fleeing for her life).
Known superhuman powers: Generation and control of
electricity, direct computer interface, amazing talent for making
snide comments!
Other abilities: Studying, programming, hacking, doing math
in her head, swimming, mouthing off. Also playing soccer, not that
this is particularly useful in most instances.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Generally has a bit of money
or a debit card on her, pocket knife, maybe a pair of sunglasses.
She's not big on carrying all her belongings around with her.
Other notes: Definite bad attitude.