Real name: Ashleigh Danielle McDonagh
Occupation: Survivor
Identity: Very few people who come into contact with her for more than a few minutes are unaware of Spinner's status as a mutant.
Legal status: Citizen of the United States, Runaway
Other aliases: Spinner is the only name she regularly answers to.
Place of birth: Portland, OR
Marital status: Very Single
Known relatives: John McDonagh (Father, deceased), Sarah McDonagh (Mother, deceased)
Group affiliation: None
Base of operations: Shadowed alleys everywhere
First appearance: October, 2001

Little is known of the reclusive Spinner's background. Both of her parents are dead, one by suicide, the other thanks to a car accident. At one point she was placed in a group home for orphans and runaways, but found it more conducive to her health to flee before the other "troubled teens" expressed their unhappiness with the "freak" via more than annoying pranks and occasional scuffles.

Having lived on the streets for several years now, Spinner is very wary and extremely pragmatic about doing whatever is necessary to survive. She does not trust easily or often, and carries a bitter resentment toward anyone she views as 'normal'--a state she can never attain.

Height: 6'0" Weight: Too low.
Eyes: Gold/Green/Blue Hazel Hair: Light Brown
Unusual physical characteristics: Long list made short: Two extra arms, spinnerets in her wrists, hollow fangs, four extra simple eyes spaced across her forehead--Spinner is not your average girl next door.
Strength level: Slightly higher than might be expected of someone so scrawny.
Known superhuman powers: Thanks to her unusual physiology, she has the ability to produce paralytic venom as well as a fairly strong acid, and she can create and eject silk at high speeds from her spinnerets.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Not much. If she's lucky she'll have a bit of money and maybe a knife she's 'borrowed' out of someone's home...
Other notes: Running scared.

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