Real name: Unknown, possibly Stephen Alzis
Occupation: Unrevealed, rumored to be involved in Club Apocalypse, and various NY crime syndicates
Identity: Unrevealed
Legal status: Ambiguous
Other aliases: None known
Place of birth: Unrevealed
Marital status: Believed Single
Known relatives: None known
Group affiliation: Best not to ask.
Base of operations: Unrevealed, though he sometimes frequents the private rooms of Club Apocalypse
First appearance: He's just always been around

No one knows where he came from. No one knows where he lives. He (or someone by that name matching his description) has reportedly died fifteen times since 1930, most recently killed in a 1987 plane crash.

Height: 5'6" Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Black
Unusual physical characteristics: None
Strength level: Alzis' strength level is unknown, as he's rarely seen lifting heavy objects.
Known superhuman powers: Turning up in the oddest of places and getting what people want.
Other abilities: Negotiating deals.
Weapons and paraphernalia: Alzis _always_ carries a cellular phone with him.
Other notes: None

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