XET’s Non-Player Characters
To help move along plots and the overall world, the staff has some NPCs, recurring characters not run by any specific player. Some of these characters are devoted to a specific staffer - these will have
a 'contact' person beside their name, so if you have a plot that you'd like to involve them in, you can talk to that staffer.
These characters (there are exceptions) are from a variety of sources. Some may be original, some may be modified canons, and others might be borrowed from New Universe (and if you recognize them, bonus points to you).
Not all of these characters are necessarily out of the question in terms of apping (some are, but others aren't). In fact, one former NPC, Scuzz, ha
s been apped. The only concern is, as some have had a significant role in RP, your background will be somewhat limited to what's already been revealed about the characters (although this isn't much different from a FC in other games where you have to
know the background, and most NPC scenes are logged). The future would be more or less up to you; we wouldn't insist Caliban stay with the MLF, for example.
Please send a query letter to the appstaff if you're interested in any of these char
Most NPC characters will only be added to this list after they've appeared in RP at least once, and usually a few times. NPCs revealed only in news posts or working behind the scenes usually will not be listed. Full OHXET entries will be added as we
get to them. ;)
Group: The
Mutant Liberation Front
Featured members:
Lil Crawley, (Diamond Lil)
Fabian Cortez (former member)
Arthur Benway (Freefall)
Charlotte Beck (Friction) (former member) -Contact Hypnos.
Gaylord Picaro (Pitt Bull)
Dennis 'Scuzz' Cuzinski (former member)
Shell (Real name unrevealed)
Vincent Sahno (Shooter) (deceased)
Thomas Boyd (Stalker)
Rodney Weigland (Tangler)
Troublemaker (Real name unrevealed)
Group: European members of the Mutant Brotherhood
(Although maybe not having appeared in RP, it may be helpful for Brotherhood members to know a few of them).
Featured members (Followed by country of origin):
Thame Panagitis (Babel)) - Greece (former member)
Caliban - America
Ian Moore (Doughboy) - England (deceased)
Colette Guizot (Electrique) - France (deceased)
Laura Dean (Pathway) and Goblyn - Canada
Lewis Milne - England
Group: Final Quarantine
Group: Weapon X
Featured members:
Group: The Office of Metahuman Affairs
Featured members:
Special Agent George Belfour (Backfire)
Special Agent Marcel Maij (Imprint)
Miscellaneous NPCs:
Stephen Alzis
Dan Riccia, Antlerman
Deacon Frost
Paul Denton
Ferguson Kaseko
Max Silverman
Morton Jocosi (Mojo) and his assistant Spiral
X-Mansion Groundskeeper Willie