Real name: Unrevealed
Occupation: Mercenary Terrorist
Identity: Shell's identity is currently unknown to the public
Legal status: Citizen of the US with no known criminal record
Other aliases: The Mud Monster
Place of birth: Unrevealed
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: Unrevealed
Group affiliation: Mutant Liberation Front
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: April, 2001

Little is known about the man behind the Shell... in fact, most people are unaware there is an intelligent person inside of it, rather than a mindless monster (or some sort of construction controlled from elsewhere).

His first known appearance was attacking the Metropolitan Museum of Art in Central Park, where he was stopped by Swarm and Adam.

He was presumably involved in the breakout of the MLF leadership, as a guard reported Diamond Lil being pulled into the wall, and he has since participated in coordinated attacks with MLF members.

During the MLF's attempt to ambush X-men members and test their abilities, Shell participated in an attack on Samuel in the Garment District.

Real Height: unrevealed Real Weight: Unrevealed
Shell Height: variable Shell Weight: variable
Eyes: unrevealed Hair: unrevealed
Unusual physical characteristics: So far in every appearance, Shell has been apparently composed of earth, rock, or pavement, generally whatever materials are around.
Strength level: Shell naturally possesses normal human strength. Augmented by a shell, his upper limit is unknown, but presumably capable of lifting several tons.
Known superhuman powers: Shell can somehow surround himself with a shell of otherwise solid material, and use it it as well as his own body, including being able to see, hear, and breathe through the rock. He can use local material in order to augment his shell's size and mass. He also apparently has the ability to 'swim' through solid matter.
Other abilities: Unknown. Little has been discovered about the man inside the Shell.
Weapons and paraphernalia: He has been seen to use part of a lamppost as a bat.
Other notes: None

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