Real name: Gaylord Picaro
Occupation: Terrorist, former steel mill worker
Identity: Picaro's identity as a member of the MLF is
public knowledge.
Legal status: Citizen of United States, with a criminal record
for assault, pending trial for terrorism
Other aliases: Picaro. Those using his real first name tend
to get smashed.
Place of birth: Reading, Pennsylvania
Marital status: Single
Known relatives: None living.
Group affiliation: Mutant Liberation Front
Base of operations: Formerly New York, now prison
First appearance: July 2005
Picaro's first name was a typical example of the 'Boy Named Sue' phenomenon. His father (now deceased, due to a car accident. Picaro was uninvolved, but according to reports from co-workers, quite pleased when he heard the news), thought it would make him tough if he was picked on all the time. Mission accomplished. Unfortunately, it had the side effect of giving him severe emotional problems and anger issues. He had an early association with some family pets, pitbulls, and took on that as a name, insisting anyone call him that, or by his last name. By the time he was a teenager, he was big enough and strong enough that nobody argued.
He worked out a lot in his youth, so nobody would even think about picking on him.. as it turned out, his mutation vastly increased his muscle mass anyway, so he didn't notice it.
Picaro (barely) completed high school, was rejected for the Military (after getting overly angry at an inoppurtune moment) and eventually took a job as a steel worker, his strength helping him in this regard.
Eventually, Picaro got into a fight, and this one left the victim in the hospital. He was charged with assault, and a plea agreement put him in jail for a year. After he was released, he was let back at his old job, but soon got fired for fighting with a fellow worker.
Little is known of the time after this, but he left town, and, at some point, he was identified as a mutant and recruited by the MLF for operations. He was captured in his first mission, an attack on New York's Excelsior organization. Very few people know he has also been involved in underground Mutant vs. Mutant fighting competitions, held for certain high rollers in New York. It is during one of these fights that Pitt Bull lost an eye.
Height: 6'2" Weight: 320 lbs.
Eyes: Brown (one eye is missing) Hair: Reddish Brown
Unusual physical characteristics: Although Pitt Bull isn't the
tallest man in the world, he's massively muscled and very wide. He
is also extraordinarily ugly, and has a habit of growling like a dog. He
is also missing one eye, which he frequently covers with an eyepatch.
Strength level: Pittbull has superhuman strength, enabling him
to lift somewhere in the order of ten tons. It has never actually been
measured. In particular, he has phenomenal jaw strength.
Known superhuman powers: Aside from his superhuman strength,
Picaro is extremely durable and resistant to damage, particularly of the
concussive variety. His skin can be cut, but it won't go very deep, so
most of his internal organs are typically well-protected. He is bulletproof
(although they can get embedded in his skin). He can survive close range
explosive blasts, and can operate at peak levels of activity for three hours
before fatigue starts playing a role. He's also got particularly strong
recuperative abilities. His strength, recuperative abilities, and his
ability to get back up after taking lots of damage only increase when
he's angered, which is easy to do.
Other abilities: Pittbull knows how to fire a gun and throw knives.
He also knows how to brawl, but has no formal training in this or skill that
compares to trained martial artist.
Weapons and paraphernalia: He likes to make his own weapons from
whatever's available, but he does know how to use and is not opposed to
using firearms and knives.
Other notes: Picaro has an aversion to bathing. Pittbull is
from the comic DP7, part of Marvel's short lived New Universe.