Real name: Lillian Crawley
Occupation: Terrorist, former waitress, former bodyguard
Identity: Lillian's identity as a member of the MLF is public knowledge.
Legal status: Citizen of Canada, wanted on many counts of murder and terrorism in the United States
Other aliases: Lil
Place of birth: Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, Canada
Marital status: Divorced
Known relatives: Unnamed ex-husband
Group affiliation: Mutant Liberation Front
Base of operations: New York City
First appearance: (seen) September, 2000 (identified) December, 2000

Growing up in the sometimes harsh Canadian north, Lil learned how to be tough in a hurry. She always felt the need to be just as tough as the neighbor boys. As such, she was a bit of a tomboy for a while.

Although her mutant powers started to manifest at puberty like most mutants, it was a slow progression and she didn't even notice it for a long time. She was always pretty strong growing up, and after she graduated from high school got a job in a bar where she gained some local fame for a promotion where if you beat her in arm wrestling, you drunk for free. For a while, the promotion included winning a date with Lil. She never lost... except one time, when she chose to because she wanted the date. She ended up getting married to the guy though, very quickly and still pretty young.

The marriage turned rocky pretty fast. She learned he was having an affair, but did nothing until she caught them together. She literally pulled her husband off the woman and tossed him against a wall, scaring off the other woman. They got into a heated arguement, during which at some point he hit her over the head with a bottle.

The bottle broke, and Lil didn't feel anything but anger. She knocked him out with one hit, and the next day moved out. She filed for divorce not long after that. She also grew to become more and more aware that she was different. Sometimes she'd get angry and punch something, and that something would usually break. She never got hurt, either. She'd known for years that her sense of touch had dwindled to almost nothing (it was one of the reasons for friction in the marriage), but still assumed she could be injured. There was something else about her, but she didn't know what it was, yet. Especially since the stress of the divorce seemed to have accelerated her powers even more, so that her hair and nails were both almost impossible to cut. Scissors broke before her hair did. Sometimes she could cut a hair with her nails, but that was the only thing that worked.

Desiring to start a new life, she moved to Toronto and trained to become a bodyguard, operating under the name Diamond Lil. She mostly handled a lot of battered women cases, with wives escaping their abusive husbands and needing help. In the line of duty, she was shot twice, once in the chest, the other in the head. Both times, the bullet flattened against her skin.

Sure this was significant, but not sure exactly what it meant, she took some time to herself and did some travelling. Eventually, she wound up in New York, and fell in with the group known as the MLF. It's unclear exactly what happened to turn her so ruthless against humans so fast, but she has so far assisted in operations that have killed people, and has shown no outward signs of remorse.

Diamond Lil was arrested in an operation which took out the majority of the MLF, going down after then-Inspector Grant Sutton attacked her with pepper spray. She was arraigned, but while awaiting trial in Ryker's Island, a breakout by new members of the MLF freed her. She currently is working with the MLF for unknown goals.

Height: 6'4" Weight: 118 lbs.
Eyes: Brown Hair: Brown
Unusual physical characteristics: None
Strength level: Diamond Lil possesses superhuman strength, enabling her to lift approximately a half ton without difficulty, and approximately a ton with extreme effort.
Known superhuman powers: Aside from her superhuman strength, Diamond Lil's body is exceptionally resistant to any injury, in fact is tougher than diamond. She is able to shrug off bullets even at point blank range. This indestructibility runs throughout her body. Even her nails are so tough that they can scratch steel or granite, and her hair can be used as a garrote. She also very rarely gets tired from physical activity. However, as a downside, her sense of touch has been greatly reduced, to the point where she almost has to be punched just for her to realize someone touched her. Her invulnerability does not protect her against poisons or gas attacks, and indeed she has once been almost incapacitated by pepper spray.
Other abilities: Lil knows judo to a beginners level.
Weapons and paraphernalia: As part of the MLF, Lil is sometimes required to use weapons, however she prefers to fight with her hands wherever possible.
Other notes: None

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