Excelsior is set up mostly as a charity promoting mutant rights within the wider community. It was founded by a number of interests working in concert, including a group of mutants called The Pack, who helped mutants off the street, but there were other individuals involved from a variety of organizations and motivations, including churches, mutant friendly corporations, and wealthy private citizens. While they certainly aren't in the majority, sympathizers to mutant rights do exist, in all walks of life. Some corporate work is also done, with funding being ploughed back into the organization.

Excelsior fulfils multiple functions:

1. Awareness -

Foremost Excelsior is out there raising awareness of mutant rights and has been involved in organizing a couple of public demonstrations within NYC. They attempt to keep involved with the media and even political lobbying, aiming to raise awareness and also educate a largely ignorant public on mutants. They are not wholly effective but have made a start in that regard.

2. Housing -

Excelsior run what is effectively a "hostel" for homeless mutants in NYC. An idea that once was run by the Pack's firehouse has been effectively co-opted by Excelsior for that purpose.

Excelsior attempt to work with social services to re-house people more permanently.

3. Mutants for Hire -

It's not publicized, but word of mouth within the business community as well as Excelsior's own contacts mean that Excelsior volunteers can effectively have their services "hired" for a fee. This is an offshoot of the "Synergy" idea that the Pack were involved with. Some businesses (Worthington Enterprises) have admitted hiring mutants for performing certain tasks, which hasn't always resulted in good publicity. Most companies keep their involvement secret if they are hiring mutants for their powers, although some, seeking good PR for being 'diverse' are willing to hire obvious mutants for positions in which their powers are neither a help nor a hindrance.

4. Hostel -

As well as housing mutants, Excelsior offer a series of social services. They run a "hostel" within their main headquarters which includes running classes for mutants who are unable to enter education elsewhere (with accreditted "guest tutors" from other private schools). They also offer simple support groups where mutants struggling to come to terms with their changes or newfound powers can come and meet others. There's also the straightforward social side, where mutants can come to simply hang out with friends without worrying about the concerns of everyday society.

This is the area that most volunteers are involved with. There's a small permanent staff, but at "roots" level it's mostly volunteers (like Zandra, Jono and anyone else that wants to be involved).

5. Legal -

Excelsior offer legal support to mutants who cannot afford it themselves and whose troubles stem from their mutations. (They're not likely to defend a criminal who used his mutant powers, for example, but would support someone evicted by their landlord for displaying mutant powers or a mutant who's accused of a crime using their powers, if they genuinely believe they are innocent of the crime or if there are extenuating circumstances). In addition they are actively involved in attempting to influence legislation affecting mutants in society.

Organizational structures:

Excelsior runs on a charity/corporate structure, set up as a professional organization with various different "departments".

Executive Committee

Effectively the "board" of Excelsior, the executive committee is made up of a number of patrons who have been involved in its creation, or have earned a position of influence through their work. These include, but are not limited to:


Appointed by the committee is the Chairman who carries out the day-to-day running of the Trust, liaises between the various sections of the organization and effectively works as a kind of "general manager".

Currently the Chairman of Excelsior is: Merriam Davies (NPC)


The financial side of the Trust is currently run by external accountants Connet and Leggett.


Legal representation of Excelsior itself is handled by the Trust's lawyers, Nelson and Murdock. There are a number of other legal representatives in the city who are prepared to do work pro bono out of sympathy for Excelsior or just plain fervor for the constitution and equal rights for all.

Full time Staff:

The main headquarters of the Trust has a very small full time staff, who deal with day-to-day administration as well as being involved with the activities taking place within the headquarters.


Finally, the largest group is made up of volunteers who do work for the Trust in any of their various sections. The largest of these groups is the group running the "hostel" side of things, interacting directly with mutants. Some are mutants themselves, others humans with sympathies towards the cause.

First appearance: May 2005
Known Members:
Jono Starsmore, Zandra Thorne, Professor Charles Xavier, Thame Panagitis

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